
Monday 27 July 2009

Finding my way around...or not as the case may be!

I'm having a few problems today. I'm not sure if it's the fact that I use Firefox or that I use Word but I can't seem to cut 'n' paste any of my stories across for my reader's delectation and delight.

No doubt I'll work it out sooner or later but it truly is annoying.

One good thing though - I found one of my friends from Webook... or did he find me? I pretty sure that he found me! Jimbo is in much the same boat as I - he's newish to this and so am I - so he'll probably be able to help me with my problem.

Ah yes - Webook. That cornucopia of creative... oh, flip the alliteration! Suffice it to say, I Love Webook. I have lot's of friends there and we are all writers; it's paradise. The only thing that could make it any better would be to actually meet them. Of course, Jimbo already did that (ooh am I jealous!) but you never know what's around the corner.

I'm also a member of Authonomy. It's a completely different place. More serious and more about getting your work seen than anything else. It is fun though - just more like stepping into a bar and meeting your friends for a drink.

I am addicted to both. I freely admit that - I am addicted to Writing Websites!

Now if I could just get this place to work...

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